
The Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being’s high quality, peer-reviewed content offers advertisers and sponsors various opportunities to partner with us.

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Direct all advertising related correspondence to:

Heather Seunath
Director of Business Development and Marketing Strategies
SG Publishing Inc., Publisher of the Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being
Phone: 519-212-1039 (Direct)

Advertising Policy

The Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being accepts commercial advertising for its website and other forms of communication including newsletters and issue notifications.


  1. All advertisements are subject to approval of the publisher or editor.
  2. Advertisements are accepted and posted by the publisher independently of editorial decisions. Editorial decisions are not influenced by current or potential sponsors or advertisers or by marketing decisions.
  3. Advertising that appears in the Journal will be clearly distinguishable from editorial content.
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  6. Advertisements should clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered.
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