2024 Trauma Informed Policing and Law Enforcement Conference


The first global Trauma Informed Policing and Law Enforcement Conference will be held on the 12th - 13th February 2024 in Melbourne, Australia. This conference will bring together trauma informed practitioners and researchers from across the world to share ideas about trauma informed practices in policing and corrections. The conference is being hosted by the Deakin University Centre for Drug use, Addictive and Anti-social behaviour Research (CEDAAR), alongside partners Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association Inc. (GLEPHA), and the University of Tasmania Policing and Emergency Management (School of Social Sciences).

At this conference you will:

  • Learn about recent multi-agency initiatives to reduce the impact of traumatic experiences across the lifespan and whole system in promoting health and preventing crime.
  • Hear from police and corrections leaders from around the world about their real-life lessons and practical strategies for implementing trauma informed practice.
  • Explore how trauma informed and shame sensitive practices can influence staff wellbeing and retention, as well as the lives of victims, suspects, offenders and the broader community.
  • Develop an understanding and gain insights into the experience and impact of trauma from those with lived experience.
  • Have the opportunity to build connections, network and share ideas and practices with a collaborative group of practitioners and researchers focused on trauma informed practice.

Registration and Call for Submissions details can be found on the website: https://tinyurl.com/TIPLE2024