Author Guidelines
- Overview of the Journal of CSWB
- Types of Articles Considered
- Ethical Policies
- Editorial and Peer Review Process
- Manuscript Preparation
- Supplemental Material
- Author Fees
- Social Media
- Permissions
- Self-Archiving Policy
Overview of the Journal of CSWB
The Journal of Community Safety and Well-being (CSWB) is a peer-reviewed publication that is positioned to be the authoritative global resource for high-impact research that spans all human service and criminal justice sectors, relevant to Canadian and international communities and professionals. The Journal of CSWB aims to attract a broad audience of multi-sector policy-makers, practitioners and researchers worldwide.
Types of Articles Considered
Currently, the Journal of CSWB aims to solicit and publish original works that may include Original Research (both Quantitative and Qualitative Studies), Social Innovation Narratives, Policy and Systemic Change Propositions, Random Control Trials and other Experimentation, Program and Horizontal Evaluations, Review Articles, Practice Guidelines, thought-provoking Editorials and Commentaries, and periodically includes lighter features as Food for Afterthought. Journal selections are solicited and presented in four closely inter-related, themed sections, which are detailed in the Journal's Aims and Scope.
In the interest of advancing the knowledge base in this still-forming and multi-disciplinary field of collaborative CSWB, we are encouraging a wider range of article types than might other publications that serve more narrowly defined disciplines. For ease of reference, and to conform with established publishing standards for indexing purposes, we have organized this wider range of potential submissions into Article Type categories, as shown in Table 1 below, along with brief descriptions of the types and range of papers that are encouraged and welcomed by The Journal of CSWB (Note: target word counts for each type are shown in Table 2 further below).
Table 1 – Article Types Suitable for Publication in the Journal of CSWB
Article Type by Indexed Category |
Sub-Types and Full Range of Articles |
Peer Review |
Original Research |
Full Reports: Short Reports: |
Yes |
Social Innovation Narratives |
Program Evaluations, Horizontal Evaluations, Policy Propositions, Systemic Change and Reform Propositions, Promising and Emerging Practices, Informed Narratives on CSWB Trends and Issues |
Yes |
Practice Guidelines |
Reports and Guidelines on Evidence-based or Evidence-informed Practices and/or Policy Frameworks in Support of Collaborative CSWB Models |
Yes |
Reviews |
Review manuscripts provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made in the field. This may include literature reviews which summarize already published works on the topic, or systematic reviews, which aim to provide a summary of current literature relevant to a research question |
Yes |
Commentaries |
Reflective Pieces, Calls for Action, Critiques |
No |
Food for Afterthought |
Well-developed and sufficiently scholarly opinion pieces, supported by studies if appropriate, and of a lighter or even humorous nature to provoke thought and dialogue |
No |
Editorials |
Most often solicited by the Editors and are related to an article published in the same issue. They express the opinions and views of recognized experts |
No |
Letters to the Editor |
Comments on papers previously published in the Journal of CSWB or on any other matters of interest to CSWB. Subject to decisions of the Editorial Board |
No |
Ethical Policies
Duplicate Publication & Concurrent Submission
Sources of Support
Conflict of Interest
Studies Involving Human Participants
Regarding authenticity of authorship, only those individuals who contributed directly to the intellectual content of the paper should be listed as such, with the implication that all of the following criteria have been met by the author(s) listed:
- Contributed substantially to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, or composition of the associated interpretation and/or narrative;
- Drafted the article or revised it critically for important intellectual content;
- Grants final approval of the version to be published; and
- Agrees to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Holding positions of administrative leadership, contributing clients, and collecting and assembling data, are not, by themselves, criteria for authorship. Other persons who have made substantial, direct contributions to the work but cannot be considered authors should be acknowledged with their permission in the Acknowledgments section of the article.
Duplicate Publication & Concurrent Submission
Duplicate publication is publication of a paper that overlaps substantially with one already published, without clear, visible reference to the previous publication. In “Comments to the Editor”, during the online submission process, give full details on any possible previous or duplicate publication of any content of the paper. Any reference to or use of previously published material must be explicitly acknowledged in the manuscript and the authors must obtain permissions where necessary. Previous publication of a small fraction of the content of a paper does not necessarily preclude it from being published, but the Editors need information about previous publication when deciding how to use space in the Journal efficiently; they regard failure of full disclosure by authors of possible prior publication as a breach of ethics. Please send a copy of any document that might be considered a previous publication via email to the Editor-in-Chief.
Duplicate or redundant submission is the same manuscript (or the same data) that is submitted to different journals at the same time. International copyright laws, ethical conduct, and cost-effective use of resources require that readers can be assured that what they are reading is original. Manuscripts that are submitted to JCSWB should not have been previously published or under consideration elsewhere
Sources of Support
You are requested to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement, please state “The funding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results”. Sources of support for research, including funding and grants, must be identified within the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
A conflict of interest may occur when an author or an author's employer or sponsor has a financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationship with other organizations or with the people working with them that may exert an influence on that author's research. All manuscript submissions to the Journal must include the disclosure of any and all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest. Potential conflicts of interest in relation to the submitted manuscript could include consultancies, employment, fees & honoraria, grants, and stock or share ownership. Authors must include a relevant Disclosure Statement on the title page of their submission. If no conflicts exist, this must be explicitly stated as well.
Studies Involving Human Participants
Authors who describe studies with human participants are required to provide assurance in the manuscript that appropriate ethical standards have been followed, that the study has been reviewed and approved by their institution’s ethics review committee (where applicable, see below), and that the participants have provided informed consent. This is described in the sections below.
If concerns in the conduct of research are discovered after publication, the Journal and Editorial staff will investigate and, where appropriate, issue a correction or retraction. The Journal reserves the right to contact the author’s institution, ethics committee or other appropriate body in relation to these concerns.
Ethics approval
When reporting a study that involves human participants, their data or biological material, authors must include a statement (in the Methods section) that confirms that the study was approved (or granted exemption) by the appropriate independent ethics or institutional review board committee (including the name of the ethics committee). If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with relevant guidelines/regulations or comparable standards, the authors must explain the reasons for their approach, and demonstrate that an ethics committee explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. If a study was granted exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript (including the reasons for the exemption).
For those investigators who do not have formal ethics review committees, the Journal may consider your submission if it can be demonstrated that ethical principles (such as those outlined in the Canadian Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans or similar international policies on research ethics) were followed, and this is outlined in the methods section of the manuscript.
Editors reserve the right to reject any submission that does not meet these requirements.
Identifying Information & Informed Consent
Identifying details of participants that were studied should not be published, unless the information is essential to the understanding of the manuscript and the participant (or parent or guardian if the participant is incapable; next of kin if deceased) gave written informed consent for publication. In some cases, complete anonymity is difficult to achieve, and informed consent should be obtained if there is any doubt. The process of obtaining consent to publish should include sharing the article with the individual (or whoever is consenting on their behalf), so that they are fully aware of the content of the article before it is published. Authors should disclose to these participants that the published content will be available via the Internet and might be available as well in print after publication, in sublicensed and reprinted versions (including translations), and in other works products under an open access license. When appropriate, authors must state in the Methods section the procedure used to ensure adherence to ethical guidelines on informed consent and should affirm that such consent was obtained.
Please do not submit the participants actual written informed consent with your article, as this breaches the participant’s confidentiality. The consent must be stored and archived by the authors/investigators themselves. A sample of the consent letter may be uploaded with your submission as a separate file.
Editorial and Peer Review Process
All manuscripts will be initially reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC), and if appropriate the paper will be assigned to a Contributing Editor. If the paper is judged to be suitable for possible publication, it will be sent to two or more external reviewers. Authors may indicate the names of up to 3 potential referees as well as those whom they wish not to review the paper. The Journal of CSWB is under no obligation to use these reviewers, and the suggested reviewers will be considered alongside other potential reviewers recommended by the editorial team. Any suggested peer reviewers should not have published with any of the authors of the manuscript within the past two years, should not be current collaborators, and should not be members of the same research institution. Recommended reviewers, and their contact information should be included in the “Comments to the Editor” upon article submission.
Manuscript Preparation
Please prepare your submission according to the specifications set out below. Manuscripts that do not meet the specifications will be returned to the author upon submission for ammendments. Once the manuscript meets the requirements below, it will be assigned to an Editor to initiate the review process.
General Format
Title Page
Abstract and Key Words
Tweetable Abstract (Optional)
General Format
Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word format. PDFs are not accepted. Write the body of the manuscript as concisely as possible, adhering to the word limits specified for the given manuscript category. Double space all text, including the references and figure legends, and allow adequate margins.
For section and subsection headings, please use the heading styles built into your word processing template. Headings are numbered, to a maximum of three levels:
Level 2 Heading
Level 3 Heading
If further divisions of the text are required, use inline headings:
In-line Heading Level One: Paragraph text ....
In-line Heading Level Two: Paragraph text ....
Focus on the content rather than the look of a submission. Simpler is always better. Use a common typeface such as Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, or Times in a readable size (11 or 12 points is usually adequate). In running text, formatting other than the usual uses of italic, superscript, and subscript is discouraged. During the copyediting process all extraneous formatting will, in any case, be stripped from the file to ensure smooth intake into the layout program used by the page compositor.
All papers must contain the following items, when applicable:
- Title Page
- Abstract and Key Words
- Tweetable Abstract (Optional)
- Text
- Acknowledgements
- Conflict of Interest Disclosures
- References
- Figure Legends
- Tables
Title Page
The first page (or title page) of the manuscript should include:
- the article type
- the title of the article (80 characters maximum, using sentence case);
- the names of the authors (written as first name, initial(s) and surname);
- the affiliation(s) for each author. For each affiliation, include the name of the department (if any), the institution, the city, and the province (if Canada, using the official postal abbreviation) or the state (if applicable) and country where the work was done. Use superscript Arabic numerals to indicate which are associated with which affiliations;
- a shortened version of the title for use as a running header (no more than 60 characters, upper case);
- the full name of the corresponding author, with postal address, e-mail address, and fax and telephone numbers;
- the heading “Statements of Declaration” and include the following statements (Note: these statements must also appear within the text of your article, in the appropriate location, but should also be included in your title page so they are easily accessible to Editors and Reviewers):
- acknowledgments of grant support and of individuals who were of direct help in the preparation of the study or the manuscript;
- source(s) of support in the form of grants or funding;
- conflict of interest disclosure(s)and if there are none this must also be stated;
- Ethics Approval and Informed Consent - All papers reporting a study that involves human participants, their data or biological material must include a statement on ethics approval and consent (even where the need for approval was waived). If your manuscript does not report on or involve humans, or human data, please state “Not applicable”. See journal policies on Studies Involving Human Participation.
- full details on any possible previous or duplicate publication of any content of the paper (if applicable);
- a word count for the text only (excluding abstract, acknowledgments, figure legends, and references);
- the number of figures, tables and supplemental material; and
- authors are requested to provide the names of 2-3 potential reviewers (name, affiliation, and institution/workplace email address), who could, in their opinion, expertly review their manuscript.
For a sample template that can assist you in the proper preparation of the title page, please click here.
Abstract and key words
Include an unstructured abstract of no more than 250 words for Original Research articles, Social Innovation Narratives, Practice Guidelines and Reviews. The abstract highlights the main points of the article, outlines the results and conclusions and explains the significance of the results.
Do not include abstracts for Commentaries, Editorials, Food for Afterthought and Letters to the Editor.
After the abstract, list up to eight key words or phrases for indexing. The key words should be different than those used in the title. Present key words in one paragraph, separate by semi-colons, with a period at the end. Key words should only be included for Original Research, Social Innovation Narratives, Practice Guidelines and Reviews.
Tweetable Abstract (Optional)
Authors are requested to provide a tweetable abstract, along with the hashtags or accounts they suggest that the Journal mention when sharing their work.
The tweet should summarize the key message or findings of the article and include any relevant hashtags. Tweets can be up to a maximum of 280 characters; however we recommend approximately 180 characters or less for a tweetable abstract. We also encourage authors to use appropriate hashtags and @mentioning authors, institution, funders, etc. to help increase the discoverability of a tweet. Refer to the Social Media section for more information.
Word Count: When submitting manuscripts, the following maximum word counts must be adhered to. The word count excludes Title Page, Abstract, References, Tables, and Figure Legends.
Table 2 - Target Word Counts for Each Article Type
Original Research: |
3,000 words |
1,500 words |
Social Innovation Narratives |
2,000 to 3,000 words |
Practice Guidelines |
2,000 to 3,000 words |
Commentaries and Editorials |
1,500 words |
Reviews |
1,500 to 2,500 words |
Letters to the Editor |
500 words |
Food for Afterthought |
1,000 to 2,000 words |
Organization: Organize the text using the applicable structure from the list set out here:
Original Research: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if applicable), Disclosures, References, Tables, and Figure Legends. Note: The text of original research articles is usually, but not necessarily, divided into Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. The Introduction should state the purpose and summarize the rationale for the study. Please provide only pertinent references and do not review the subject extensively. The Methods section should describe subjects and justify sample size, as well as detailing the study methods applied. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods. The results should be presented in logical sequence and do not repeat data in the text that is provided in Tables or Figures. Estimates of dispersion (e.g., standard deviation, range, or confidence interval) and p-values should be provided. The Discussion section should summarize study findings, compare with existing studies, and describe what is novel about the paper. For Short Reports, the Discussion and Conclusions may be combined.
Social Innovation Narratives: Introduction, Text (include headings in the text body), Conclusions or Summary, Acknowledgements (if applicable), Disclosures, References, Tables, and Figure Legends.
Practice Guidelines: Introduction, Text (including headings in the text body), Conclusions or Summary, Acknowledgements (if applicable), Disclosures, References, Tables, and Figure Legends.
Commentaries and Editorials: Text (with limited or no subheadings), Acknowledgements (if applicable), Disclosures, References, Tables and Figures Legends.
Reviews: Introduction, Text (including headings in the text body), Conclusions or Summary, Acknowledgements (if applicable), Disclosures, References, Tables, and Figure Legends.
Letters to the Editor: Text (with limited or no subheadings), Disclosures, and References. Letters should have no tables or figures. Letters should be interesting, personal (when appropriate), and provide constructive analysis and/or criticism (if a review or in response to a paper published in the Journal).
Food for Afterthought: Text (with limited or no subheadings), Acknowledgements (if applicable), Disclosures, References, Tables and Figures Legends.
Spelling: Use Canadian spelling. In this context, “Canadian” spelling means using “–our” and “–re” word endings (“rigour,” “centre”) and doubled consonants in most verb forms (“signalling,” “modelling”). However, “–ize” and “–yze” are the preferred verb endings (“characterize” not “characterise” and “analyze” not “analyse”).
Abbreviations: Multi-word phrases used frequently (four times or more) in the text may be abbreviated if necessary. Introduce the abbreviation in parentheses after the first occurrence of the phrase, and then use the abbreviation at the second and subsequent appearances. Note that, with respect to introducing and using abbreviations, the abstract, main body of the article, and each figure and table are considered entirely separate entities, and the abbreviation rule applies to each entity separately, except that in the abstract and figures, abbreviations can be introduced even if the abbreviated phrase is repeated only once or twice.
Abbreviations for units of measurement may be used without explanation. Abbreviations used in figures must be defined in the figure legend. In tables, strive for a balance between readability and space saving through abbreviation.
Units of Measurement: Measurements are to be metric. For numbers, please use words for numbers up to nine and numerals thereafter (e.g., six patients, 10 patients). For measurements, use numerals (e.g., 2 kg, 8th percentile, 5 hours). In tables, specify the units for a column or row in the column or row stub rather than in every entry in the column or row.
This part of the report provides the bibliographic information for each and every source cited.
The Journal of CSWB uses APA, 7th Edition, as its consistent reference style. Sample references for citation formats of the most prevalent types of material cited can be found at
Reference Lists should follow the body of the paper and be organized consecutively in alphabetical order, following the prescribed APA (7th Edition) format.
Some Quick Reference Tips on Using APA in The Journal of CSWB:
- For source citations in the body of the text, use parentheses to cite author name(s) and publication date(s) in close proximity to and in the order in which they are first cited in the text.
- Provide complete bibliographic data in the Reference List for each reference cited in the body, using established APA standards.
- Cite the version of the article that you saw. If you viewed an article on the Internet, do not cite it as if it were a print one.
- If a journal article has a DOI, include the DOI in the reference.
- Include an “available from” note for documents that may not be readily accessible.
- Cite symposium papers from published proceedings whenever possible. However, citations from verifiable conference presentations are also acceptable.
- When citing an article or book accepted for publication but not yet published, include the title of the journal (or name of the publisher) and the year of expected publication.
- Include references to unpublished material in the text, not in the references [for example, papers presented orally at a meeting; unpublished work (personal communication and papers in preparation)], and submit a letter of permission from the cited persons to cite such communications. Cite in parentheses in the text the name of the person and the date of communication when a reference to “personal communication” is used.
- Obtain written permission of author(s) and publisher(s) to use any previously published materials (figures, tables, or quotations of more than 100 words), which must be attached to your License to Publish form if your manuscript is accepted for publication.
- Do not use ibid. or op cit.
Each table should be created in Word, typed on a separate page, and should have a legend at the top indicating the information contained. In Word, please use the table creation functions to properly define the rows and columns of the tables. The tables should appear at the end of the manuscript.
Authors are asked to keep each table to a reasonable size; very large tables packed with data simply confuse the reader. Similarly, try to minimize the use of abbreviations, and if abbreviations must be used, use well-known and accepted forms to minimize the need for the reader to constantly refer to the table legend. The same data should not be presented in both a table and a figure.
Tables are to be numbered using uppercase roman numerals (I, II, III, and so on) in the order in which they are cited in the article text. Tables should also have a title (above the table) that summarizes the whole table; it should be no longer than 15 words. Every table column and row should be provided with an explanatory title stub, with units of measure applicable to the row or column clearly indicated.
Tables must be formatted using the table tool in a word processing program to ensure that columns of data remain aligned when the file is sent electronically for review. Tables must not be embedded as figures or spreadsheet files.
Footnotes follow the table body and should be indicated using superscripted lowercase letters (a, b,c, and so on). The table legends come after the footnotes and should be as concise as possible. Tables (together with their footnotes and legends) should be completely intelligible without reference to the text.
All tables (including their associated title, footnotes, and legends) should appear in consecutive numerical order after the references and any figure legends. All tables will be placed close to their text citations during article layout. Make sure that each table is cited in the article text.
Format: Figures for reproduction should approximately fit within the typeset area of the journal. The following resolutions are optimal:
- Black-and-white line drawings, 600–1200 dpi
- Line drawings with some grey or coloured lines, 600 dpi
- Illustrations and photographs, 300 dpi
Authors should supply electronic versions of the figure content in GIF, TIFF, or JPEG format. Other formats, such PDFs, may be used, but are not preferred. Drawings made in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint are discouraged, because the display of such drawings varies with the settings of each computer used to view the file. There is no guarantee that such figures will reproduce exactly as intended by the author. Save each figure in a separate file without its title or legend, and use simple file-naming conventions (for example, Figure1, Figure2A). Please note it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures or tables that have previously been published elsewhere. This usually includes a full bibliographic reference to the original publication and an acknowledgement that the material is reproduced with permission from the rights owner. This should be included in the figure and table legends for the article submitted to the Journal.
Submission: All figures are to be individually uploaded in the online submission process. Figures are not to be embedded in the article.
Figure Legends: Figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) in the order in which they are cited in the article text. If a figure has several panels, each panel should be identified using a uppercase alphabetic character (A, B, C, and so on). Each figure should have a title and an explanatory legend that clearly identifies the meaning of any symbols, arrows, numbers, or abbreviations used in the illustration. The legend should permit the figure to be understood without reference to the text. If the figure has been previously published, a credit line should be included and a permission letter supplied by the author with their “License to Publish” form.
Title and legend information for each figure should be included with the article text, grouped and placed at the end of the manuscript, after the reference list. All figures will be placed close to their text citations during article layout. Make sure that each figure is cited in the article text.
Supplemental Material
Authors may include Supplemental material with submissions to the Journal of CSWB. The purpose of supplemental material is to enhance the understanding of a manuscript, but it is not integral to that understanding. In other words, a manuscript must stand on its own without the supplemental material. If content submitted as supplemental material is essential to the understanding of a manuscript, the Editors may request that it be moved to the manuscript. Likewise, it may be asked to be removed if it doesn’t contribute substantively to the conclusions of the paper.
Supplemental material will undergo editorial and peer review with the main manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted for publication and if the material is deemed appropriate for publication by the Editors, it will be posted online at the time of publication of the article as additional material provided by the authors. This material will not be edited or formatted; thus, authors are responsible for the accuracy and presentation of all such material. Files cannot be altered, nor new supplemental information added, after the paper has been accepted for publication unless requested or approved by the Editorial Office.
How to Supply Supplemental Material
Supplemental material, with the exception of audio and video, must be submitted in a single Word document. Supplemental material must include a cover page that provides the article title, authors, listing of supplemental files and corresponding author information. Supplemental material should be uploaded with your manuscript submission.
Formatting requirements for each supplemental material type are outlined below:
Supplemental Text: Supplemental text should be set in Times New Roman font, 10 point in size, and single-spaced. The main heading of the online-only text should be in 12 point and boldface; subheadings should be in 10 point and boldface.
References: All references cited within the supplemental document must be included in a separate reference section, including those that also were cited in the main manuscript. They should be formatted just as in the main manuscript and numbered and cited consecutively in the supplemental material.
Supplemental Tables: Supplemental tables should be inserted in the document and numbered consecutively according to the order of citation as Table S1, Table S2, etc. See also instructions in the section Tables above. If a table runs on to subsequent pages, repeat the column headers at the top of each page. Wide tables may be presented using a landscape orientation.
Supplemental Figures: Supplemental figures should be inserted in the document and numbered consecutively according to the order of citation as Figure S1, Figure S2, etc. See also instructions in the section Figures above. Wide figures may be presented using a landscape orientation.
Video: Submit videos according to the following specifications:
- Acceptable file formats: .mov, .wmv, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, or .avi
- Maximum file size: 10 MB
- Maximum length: 1 minute
Verify that the videos are viewable in QuickTime or Windows Media Player. Authors will be notified if problems exist with videos as submitted and will be asked to modify them. No editing will be done to the videos at the editorial office. All changes are the responsibility of the author. File name(s) should be one word with no spaces and the appropriate extension at the end (eg.
Audio: Please submit audio files according to the following minimum requirements:
- Acceptable file formats: .mp3, .wav, or .aiff
- Maximum file size: 10 MB
- To achieve the best quality, when saving audio files as an mp3, use a setting of 256 kbps or higher for stereo or 128 kbps or higher for mono
- Sampling rate should be either 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz
- Bit rate should be either 16 or 24 bit
File name(s) should be one word with no spaces and the appropriate extension at the end. (eg. AudioS1.mp3).
Referencing supplemental material in the paper
Authors must ensure that each piece of supplemental information is referred to at least once in the manuscript. For supplemental figures, tables, text, audio, and video, we ask that you label and number the item as you normally would, but add a prefix S to the number. (e.g., Figure S1, Table S2, Video S1, Audio S3, Database S1, etc)
Finally, at the end of the reference list within your manuscript text, include a statement which lists all supplemental material provided with the article. For example:
Supplemental Information linked to the online version of the paper at
- Figures S1, S2
- Table S1
- Video S1
Author Fees
There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
Social Media
As a way of encouraging ongoing discussion within the field, the Journal will share published articles via its social media channels (Twitter and LinkedIn). Authors are encouraged to provide a tweetable abstract for the Journal to use when sharing their article via social media. It should summarize the key message or findings of the article and include any relevant hashtags. Tweets can be up to a maximum of 280 characters; however we recommend approximately 180 characters or less for a tweetable abstract as shorter tweets generally receive better engagement. Using appropriate hashtags and @mentioning authors, institution, funders, etc. is an excellent way to increase the discoverability of a tweet mentioning their article. Authors are requested to provide a tweetable abstract, along with the hashtags or accounts they suggest that the Journal mention when sharing their work. Learn more within our manuscript preparation guidelines here.
Our mission is to disseminate meaningful research to a broad audience of influencers and community leaders. Authors that provide social media handles benefit from the Journal’s promotions, expanding their reach well beyond the current publication. Please note that providing a Twitter handle for publication is entirely optional. If authors are not comfortable with the Journal promoting their article along with their personal Twitter handle(s) then please do not supply them. Authors that have any queries or concerns about sharing their article via social media may contact the publisher, SG Publishing Inc.
Written permission must be obtained for material that has been published in copyrighted material; this includes tables, figures, and quoted text that exceeds 150 words. A copy of all permission forms must accompany the License to Publish agreement.
Self-Archiving Policy
Submitted Article (Pre-Print)
The Author’s submitted version is the non-peer reviewed version of an article as submitted for potential publication in the Journal of CSWB. Authors may make their pre-print article available through posting on their personal websites, an institutional repository, or their funding body’s designated archive, provided that upon publication, the Article Version of Record is acknowledged with a note or citation that includes author, year of publication, article title, journal title, digital object identifier (DOI), and a hyperlink to the Article Version of Record on the Journal website.
Accepted Article (Post-Print)
The Author’s accepted article is the version of the article that has been accepted for publication but has not undergone copyediting or layout. Authors may make their post-print article available through posting on their personal websites, an institutional repository, or their funding body’s designated archive, provided that upon publication, the Article Version of Record is acknowledged with a note or citation that includes author, year of publication, article title, journal title, digital object identifier (DOI), and a hyperlink to the Article Version of Record on the Journal website.
Published Article (Version of Record)
The final published article is the version of record. Authors may make the final published article available online e.g., to a preprint server, personal website, institutional repository, or their funding body’s designated archive, provided that upon publication, the Article Version of Record is acknowledged with a note or citation that includes author, year of publication, article title, journal title, digital object identifier (DOI), and a hyperlink to the Article Version of Record on the Journal website.