Welcome to our Contributing Editor Community Members


The Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) is thrilled to announce the distinguished members of our newly formed Contributing Editor Community (CEC). We are proud to have a professionally diverse and dedicated team to help ensure the continuing excellence of the Journal and our published content. Please join us in welcoming:

Ms. Rachel Bromberg, Canada
Reach Out Response Network

Staff Sergeant Dr. Bob Chrismas, Canada
Winnipeg Police Service

Prof. Nick Crofts, Australia
University of Melbourne

Ms. Rachel Huggins, Canada
Ontario Provincial Police

Inspector Daniel Jones, Canada
Edmonton Police Service

Dr. Katy Kamkar, Canada
Centre for Addictions and Mental Health

Mr. Marc Krupanski, USA
Open Society Foundation

Dr. Vivien Lee, Canada
Ontario Provincial Police

Dr. Rick Linden, Canada
Manitoba Police Commission

Dr. Stephanie Barone McKenny, USA
Los Angeles Police Department

Dr. Michelle McManus, UK
Liverpool John Moores University

Mr. Charles Payette, Canada
Police Sector Specialist – PwC

Dr. Brian Rector, Canada
Edmonton Police Service

Inspector Dr. Paul Rinkoff, Canada
Toronto Police Service

Superintendent Bill Spearn, Canada
Vancouver Police Department

Dr. Linna Tam-Seto, Canada
Queen’s University

The more open structure of the CEC enables us to build on the strengths and demonstrated commitment of our original editorial team as we set out to include a wider, more global, and more diverse range of suitable Editors. In turn, the CEC structure will offer a more flexible structure to attract contributing Authors and their works that will shape each Journal issue, and to recognize and tap into a worldwide network of qualified Reviewers to ensure the continuing excellence of our published selections.

To learn more about the rationale behind the formation of our CEC, please read the April 2021 edition of the The Dispatch.

View the Editorial by our Editor-in-Chief, Norman E. Taylor, from the June 2021 issue to read the Journal’s official announcement.

To view all members of the Journal’s esteemed Editorial Team, please visit our Editorial Team page.