Call for Papers: Critical Analysis of Multi-Sector Collaboration
Dear Colleagues,
The current global, regional, and domestic state of affairs is shining an ever-brighter spotlight on the perils facing the vulnerable in all of our communities. In the ever-evolving landscape of challenges, it is high time to delve beneath the surface and dissect the intricacies of multi-sector collaboration. We invite you to sharpen your gaze and join us on a journey of critical analysis throughout 2024 by exploring the depths of understanding why and when multi-sector collaboration thrives, and equally crucial, when, why, what can be done, and by whom, wherever it fails to occur.
As such, we are issuing this call for papers in hopes of receiving, reviewing, and featuring papers with an emphasis on this “Critical Analysis of Multi-Sector Collaboration” theme across all CSWB sectors. Accepted papers will be featured in our upcoming regular issues, along with our other diverse selections of published works.
Our article categories include Original Research (peer-reviewed), Reviews (peer-reviewed), Practice Guidelines (peer-reviewed), Social Innovation Narratives (peer-reviewed), Commentaries, Records of Proceedings, Editorials and unique Food-for-Afterthought perspectives. To learn more, view our Author Guidelines.
On behalf of the Editorial Team, I hope you will join us in contributing to this theme, and we look forward to receiving your work.
Norman E. Taylor
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being